Tuesday, September 24, 2013

R.I.P. Kale

This morning I got up and started fixing breakfast. I grabbed some biscuits and humus from the fridge when I noticed an odd smell. Something sweet but slightly off. I managed to narrow it down to the veggie drawer, so I pulled it out and set it to the side. It contained broccoli, carrots, and kale. The first two smelled fine, but the kale... was interesting. I decided that fresh air would do it good, so I left it out of the fridge until this evening when I thought it may be a good idea to check on it. What do I see? This:

The kale that used to be a luscious green is now a yellow color.

Now why am I bringing this up. It is a learning opportunity for me to learn about the expiration of fruits and veggies. According to the website Still Tasty, kale can last 5-7 days in the refrigerator (which I was on the tale end of) or 10-12 months in the freezer. Wow! I bought this kale back on September 16th (8 days ago). Moral of the story is use your kale quickly or freeze it.

So what about the other fruit and veggies that I have in my fridge?

  • beets - 2 weeks fridge, 12-18 months freezer
  • carrots - 3-4 weeks fridge, 12-18 months freezer
  • broccoli - 3-5 days fridge, 12-18 months freezer
  • apples (not in the fridge) - 1-3 days pantry, 3-4 weeks fridge, 10-12 months freezer 
    • note: I leave my apples sitting out for at least a week before they start being questionable
  • cantaloupe (cut up) - 3-4 days fridge, 10-12 months freezer
The site also gives information on how to prepare the foods for  the refrigerator or freezing so that they will last the longest. They also have an iPhone app for $1.99. I think it might be worth trying out. It also looks like I will have lots of cantaloupe and broccoli tomorrow before they go bad. I also want to get kale from the market, but I will cook it into chips (which will hopefully last longer, at least I will eat them quicker).

Do you have any food saving tips? How far would you go with something that was "going bad"?

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