Friday, September 20, 2013

Invasion of the Beans!

So today I finally have protein, in the bean form anyway (meat is coming tomorrow, stay tuned). My friend Emily came over this afternoon to teach me how to make hummus and lentil soup.
We first went to Meijer where I got some ingredients. Lentils, garbanzo beans, a lemon, and Tahini. This is the first time I have purchased Tahini, it is mechanized ground up sesame seeds. It is a component in the hummus.

The hummus
  • 2 cans of garbanzo beans......$3.18
  • 1/2 juiced lemon.....................$0.40
  • 1/4 cup tahini..........................$0.71
  • 1 tsp garlic..............................$0.14
  • 1/8 tsp salt.........................$0.00075 

Total is $4.43 and it is $0.37 per 1/4 cup serving. Emily said I could put it on veggies or bread or just eat it plain. So far I have had it with scrambled eggs and plain. There is at least 4 grams of protein per serving.

Now onto the lentil soup. It has more ingredients so I will list them and give you the total cost. The ingredients are: onion, carrots, olive oil, potatoes, garbanzo beans, lemon juice, water, lentils, garlic powder, thyme, cilantro, parsley, basil, and salt. It cost $7.19. With 14 servings of 1 cup each, they cost $0.51 per serving.

Here is the soup before I blended it:

Here is the after. I blended it because I prefer my food to have a smooth even texture.

Tomorrow I am going to the Farmer's market. I want to get meat and veggies and apples. Any other recommendations?

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