Friday, September 6, 2013

Is Your Food Real??

My friend Laura sent me an interesting article to read, Fake Foods You are Eating. This also goes along with some articles I read in my seminar today about processed food and salt. This article opens with "Cheese faking is as art nearly as popular as cheesemaking". Oh yikes! I would encourage you to read the article then come back and finish this blog post.

My initial reactions:

  • Yes fake cheese should be called "embalmed cheese", at least that would be a deterrent from eating it.
  • There is no vanilla in Nilla Wafers :(. That makes me sad.
  • No milk in the cream in oreos and chocolate is the last ingredient in the cookie? I wonder what they would taste like made out of real ingredients.
  • My sister and I had a peanut butter debate a few days ago when she had sugarless peanut butter for the first time. The verdict: she did not like it because there was nothing ot mask the peanut flavor (she is not fond of nuts).
  • There is chocolate milk sold that contains no milk!!
It still surprises me what can qualify as food but yet, it does not contain really food items. Which food on this list surprises/disgusts you the most?


  1. My son spilled his chocolate milk at a popular fast food place a few months ago. The napkins would not soak it up; they pushed the milk across the table. I was horrified.

