Friday, August 30, 2013

Stuck at the Airport

Labor Day weekend has barely begun and I have reached my first hurdle. I went home to my parents house for the weekend and we soon headed to the airport to pick up my sister and her boyfriend. We got here and her flight got delayed due to rain. After an hour I needed dinner, hopefully following my rules for this project.

 It was actually easier than I thought. First stop was Starbucks as my mom had mentioned that there were Kind bars. They are GMO free. I got the Blueberry Vanilla & Cashew variety for $1.95. To drink I got Naked green machine for $4.29. They are also biotechnology free, no added sugars, and no preservatives. It also uses Rainforest Alliance Certified Bananas, that sounds good. Overall it is a tasty meal that is healthy too!!

1 comment :

  1. What does the cost of the airport meal look like, compared to the others (with serving sizes, etc thrown in)? I'm just curious how expensive the airport really is...I know it is a lot ;)

