Monday, August 19, 2013

Day 1

So here is a recap of my first day fully on the project:

- 1/2 cup rolled oats - $0.06
- 1/2 cup Raspberry Yogurt (Trader's Point Creamery) - $0.68

- 2 small red potatoes - $0.31
- leftover green beans - $0.00
- 1/2 container baked vegetables (potato, eggplant, yellow squash) - $0.28

- 1 cup 2% milk - $0.47
- 1 corn on the cob -  $0.33
- 3 biscuits -  $0.83

= $2.96

I was surprised, breakfast did not keep me very full. I ate at 7am and was hungry by 10am. Maybe I should eat more. I had one of my potatoes from my lunch for a morning snack. Then I was not hungry for all of my baked vegetables, only eating one container. The eggplant still does not thrill me. Dinner was better. I did not have much of an appetite today, most likely because it was the first day of classes. I hope to soon make soup or something more filling. Let me know if you have any ideas!


  1. I am trying to outcomment my mom on my Facebook by commenting on your blog.

    Protein? Are you also tracking your nutritional intake along with cost in order to maintain a healthy diet? This sort of nutrition isn't sustainable in your own body.
    How do you plan to bring in healthy protein? Organic nut butters? Organic meats? Today was just a start, I know, just keeping all over you.

  2. Not to worry. I already had a friend already bring the absence of protein up. I have eggs and milk. No meat yet (still trying to figure that one out) and I have no beans as of yet (but know where I can get some). Peanut butter would be a great idea!

