Monday, October 14, 2013

Jamba for Dinner

So today I decided to treat myself for dinner. I got a Strawberry Wild at Jamba juice. This smoothie was made of apple juice, bananas, and strawberries. Yum!

This is the only place on campus that I feel comfortable eating that fits the requirements of this project. The smoothies are made of fresh fruit and sometimes yogurt. The only negative is the cost. My medium sized smoothie cost me $4.85, nearly as much as I spend in a whole day on food.

What food do you like to splurge on for yourself?


  1. I too splurge on Jamba Juice.
    Or on Jersey Mikes! Sadly, the closest Jersey Mikes in is Indy so I can only do that when I go home.

  2. You have Jamba Juice on campus? So jealous! Anywho, I just wanted to let you know I have been following your blog, and I am SO impressed! It's very difficult to eat as purely and healthily as you are, especially for a college kid. Keep it up! Wish I could be doing the same. :)

