Thursday, October 3, 2013

Benefits of Beets!

For dinner tonight I had a boiled beet. I am acquiring a taste for them but still had to make myself finish my plate before I could get more food. I think they were even my first baby food. So why go through that arduous task?

  1. They contain a ton of vitamins and minerals
    • iron
    • potassium
    • folate
    • magnesium
    • phosphorus
    • vitamins A, B, and C
    • beta-carotene
    • beta-cyanine
  2. Good for your liver and can help prevent cancer.
  3. Can lower your blood pressure.
  4. The betaine in them can help depression.
  5. They can be red, white,  or yellow. (I have only had the red and yellow varities.)
  6. They have a high sugar content for a vegetable, but this sugar is released slowly unlike chocolate.

I think this vegetable is one that is good to learn to love. I am getting there, right now I eat them boiled and diced. I am unsure how to make them differently, perhaps adding butter or salt. They have plenty of flavor on their own. Do you eat beets?



  1. I roast them whole, skin still on, in a casserole dish at 425 degrees for 30-40 minutes, depending on the size of the beet. Then I slice them and eat them (skins, too!) with salt, and mayyybe a litte bit of olive oil, if I'm feeling daring. The oil/beet flavors really complement each other, I find. I've also had them with some thyme sprinkled on the slices.

    1. If you roast them in the skin and eat the skins as well, it helps keep a lot of the nutrients in.

  2. I tried roasting them once, and it did not cook as thoroughly as boiling. I boil them with the skin on, roots on, and about 1" on greens on so that they do not bleed out. Then all the nutrients stay in.

