So today marks the half way point. I started this experiment 54 days ago and I have 54 more days left. Every literal day is included, even the trip to DC.
Honestly, I was never sure if I would even make it this far. I have considered quitting several times, because I was hungry. But some people have pushed me to keep going.

So what have I learned so far? Variety is good, something that I need to constantly work on. It is also good to conquer your fears and try something new, such as kale or beets. Use your resources, cookbooks are a good idea and so is asking for advice. Pay attention to your body, when you are hungry, eat, lightheaded, eat more protein etc. Eat the food you bought first, so that stuff does not go bad.
So how have I changed these past 8 weeks. Unintentionally I have lost 8 lbs. I rarely feel bloated after meals. I eat more smaller meals during the day instead of 3 large ones. I have a much greater appreciation for housewives who cook fresh food every day and for convenience. I am much more conscious about what I eat, and it tends to be much healthier. I am also spending less money then I expected, $255 so far for 8 weeks, averaging $5.08 a day.
What do I miss? Well a few days ago I had a craving for those really fake chocolate donuts in a bag that taste like cardboard (weird right?). I also miss sweets like cake and ice cream. After seeing commercials for Halloween candy, that looks really yummy to.
I did get myself a present for making it this far. One gallon of apple cider (with no preservatives). Yum!!
What changes have you noticed in me so far?