Honestly, I was never sure if I would even make it this far. I have considered quitting several times, because I was hungry. But some people have pushed me to keep going.

So how have I changed these past 8 weeks. Unintentionally I have lost 8 lbs. I rarely feel bloated after meals. I eat more smaller meals during the day instead of 3 large ones. I have a much greater appreciation for housewives who cook fresh food every day and for convenience. I am much more conscious about what I eat, and it tends to be much healthier. I am also spending less money then I expected, $255 so far for 8 weeks, averaging $5.08 a day.
What do I miss? Well a few days ago I had a craving for those really fake chocolate donuts in a bag that taste like cardboard (weird right?). I also miss sweets like cake and ice cream. After seeing commercials for Halloween candy, that looks really yummy to.
I did get myself a present for making it this far. One gallon of apple cider (with no preservatives). Yum!!
What changes have you noticed in me so far?
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