Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Today's Haul

Today after classes I went to the Farmer's Market. It run on Wednesday as well as Saturday. There are less vendors, but I do appreciate the smaller crowd that attends. Having a farmer's market on Wednesday also helps if I have already eaten through what I had bought on the previous Saturday.

So what did I get today?

- medium cantaloupe - $2.00
- 1 lb green beans - $2.00
- small head of cabbage - $1.00
- 11 green apples - $4.00
- butternut squash - $1.00

Total: $10.00

I already made 4 apples and the butternut squash into a soup. Total cost of the soup was $3.62 with approximately 8 servings. That is $0.45 per serving!! The downside is that I do not really like the soup. I will make myself eat it, but I was not expecting a sweet soup. My taste buds are in a mood for something more savory. It will be good to use in my lunch along with biscuits to balance the flavors. How would you cook a squash?


  1. You can always freeze the soup until you are in a more sweet soup mood. I don't know how to do much with squash except spaghetti squash. You literally take the whole spaghetti squash, poke some holes in it with a knife, and stick it in the oven for an hour maybe? (You can look up the time online). Then once it's cooled a bit, cut it in half and scrape out the innerds which form long thin pieces kind of like spaghetti. Add some seasoning, maybe butter, and enjoy :)

  2. Yes, I think butternut squash is often roasted in the oven with butter and brown sugar. I am usually more in the mode for savory as well. Tomorrow I'm going to roast some yellow summer squash with some zucchini and mushrooms. I might also put some eggplant in there. I'll put some salt and pepper and probably some rosemary, thyme & oregano in there too. Yum!

