Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Am I Hungry or Not?

So I was one of those kids who just ate whenever. I never really paid attention to "feeling" hungry or recognizing that sensation. Now I hear people say to only eat when you are hungry and to be honest I do not feel hunger pangs or have my stomach growl very often. So today I decided to do some research of what other signs your body gives you that you are actually needing nourishment.

I started with WebMD to research:
You have a hunger hormone in your blood called ghrelin. It helps transmit the "I'm hungry" signal from the empty stomach to the brain. Similar nerve endings signal the brain when you are full, but they take up to 20 minutes to complete their mission.

Another site, self.com (which I am uncertain how reputable it is), states feeling of hunger, emptiness in the stomach, and inability to focus. Another possibility is if you are thirsty and feeling weak.

For me, I typically feel light headed (unable to focus) along with a headache and thirst.

Isn't it interesting how our bodies can notify us that we are hungry in different ways?


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