Monday, December 9, 2013

The Final Numbers

So I am officially done with the Real Food Thesis. The experience has been amazing. One good way to show what I learned is through the piles of data I collected. So here are some of the final numbers.

  • Average spent on food per day: $4.88
  • Per week: $34.19
  • Per month: $136.75
  • Total Spent on food: $630.66
  • Total Eaten: $488.39
  • Total Food Waste: $47.93 (7.6% of what I spent on food total).
  • Days on the project: 112, 100 of which followed the rules entirely (other days were breaks or I was sick)
  • 16 Weeks long
  • 10 lb. lost
What do you think? I am personally shocked by how little I spent a day. The most I spent on food while following the diet in one day was $8.57 on September 24. I had Jamba Juice for dinner, and that cost $4.90, but it still followed the rules. The least I spent on food in one day was $0 because I was eating lots of free food. Other low days were caused by me being sick. Days that I was home were not calculated into this. If they were, I would have averaged $4.36 per day.

I will have one or two more posts before I call it quits. Thank you for following me on my journey.

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